Greenwood Detecting was founded in 2018 based on a love of Treasure Hunting and a drive to find what was once lost and give it new life. Growing up our founder, Kati, read and re-read Gail Gibbons book “Sunken Treasure” until the pages were worn and torn. She dreamed of growing up to be a treasure hunter just like Indiana Jones. Greenwood Detecting is bringing those childhood dreams to reality and helping others realize those dreams as well. Greenwood Detecting prides itself on helping metal detectorist improve their skills and find more targets with courses and in-person classes, and also helps to reunite lost metal objects and owners through-out the New Jersey and Tri-State Area. In our eyes, every find is a treasure… even the crappy ones! :) Happy Hunting Friends!

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Kati Schmidt

Founder, Greenwood Detecting